Bullying and Relationships

Bullying and Relationships

Posted 2014-02-06 by Katiefollow
We need to teach our children that bullying is not acceptable. Photo from geekphilosopher.com

You are probably wondering how I can connect bullying and relationships, but as someone who knows about being bullied all too well I can connect the two.

Being a kid with one leg shorter and skinnier than the other, I was often bullied at school. One boy in high school even made up a song "One leg bigger than the other" he would sing.
To you it probably just read like words. But to me, in my head, I still remember the tune in which he sang it.

So how does this affect my relationships all these years later? It makes me worry. It makes me think sometimes, that people can be so shallow and wouldn't want me because I walk funny. Who wants to date a girl with two different sized feet? Whilst I have come to terms with it now and I love myself whole heartedly, it was once something I did not do.

I don't know if other people are feeling this way too, but I needed to share this with others. Bullying can affect a person and scar them, sometimes for life. And we need to teach our children that bullying is not acceptable.

We also need to teach those who have been bullied, how to change their thinking and to be self confident, and to know that love is out there for them. If they just look.


254274 - 2023-07-19 07:57:00


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