Chance for Love

Chance for Love

Posted 2014-01-20 by Mina Keenanfollow

What chance does a girl like this have at finding true love? More than the rest of us one might think at first glance.

She appears to have it all - looks, charisma, dress sense and the money to eat out. Guys are falling about all around her. She's not doing a hell of a lot to get herself noticed. (See the guy with the ice cream in his ear). She can choose who she will go out with - there's a long line of suitors.

She's moaning about not getting attention - seemingly unaware of the fact she's getting plenty. So she could be bimbo-esque, a trifle dizzy and unknowingly selfish. She might be shallow and really picky about things.

She's got about as much chance as the rest of us when you weigh everything up. We all have better and lesser points. There is always going to be someone we think is 'better' than us in some ways and others we think we are 'better' than.

We can change things about ourselves if we want to but its important to like ourselves for what we are.

It is human nature to compare ourselves to others. Don't sweat it. Its normal and keeps us on track for what we want for ourselves.


254209 - 2023-07-19 07:56:17


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