Handkerchief Flirtations Part 1
During the Victorian era people had to devise ways of getting a message across - I find this flirting with hankies thing really cute.
The Victorian era was a time when decorum was introduced to the masses. People being people and love being what it is - there had to be a way to express things and still be 'respectable'.
Here is what your could do to 'speak' to your man - or vice versa.
The Handkerchief Code
Drawing across the lips—I want to get to know you better..
Drawing across the eyes—I'm sorry.
Taking it by the center—You are too pushy
Dropping—We'll be mates.
Twirling in both hands—I don't care.
Drawing it across the cheek—I love you.
Drawing it through the hands—I detest you.
Letting it rest on the right cheek—Yes.
Letting it rest on the left cheek—No.
Twirling it in the left hand—Just go away.
What fun it must have been to think this up and then get society to start using it.
Part 2
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