Junk Food Dilemma
Well meant intentions by one person in a relationship can cause grief for the other.
My mate gets me things like biscuits or lollies. Only they are not the ones I like.
A pleased look on his face and a mumbled 'thanks anyway' from me wears a bit thin 10 years down the track.
He happily munches it all back, because after all, we shouldn't waste and if I am not going to eat them anyway...
He must know by now that I do not like those things.
Of course he does.
Possible reasons:
He's getting his way by perceived ignorance.
Maybe he's having a slight dig over something I annoyed him with sometime.
He thinks its funny.
He's a passive aggressive personality type.
He's extremely selfish.
Waiting for me to notice he gets me wrong stuff.
Thinks I'm thick for not noticing he keeps getting me wrong stuff.
Wants a fight.
On occasion he gets it right (usually after a row) then hovers til I stop eating at which point he swoops onto said junk food and makes it disappear in 10 seconds flat.
Its all by the way. He really enjoys the occasional junk pig-out.
Conclusion: I think he just needs more junk food than I.
254538 - 2023-07-19 07:59:58