Should Stop Here But Keep Going Anyway

Should Stop Here But Keep Going Anyway

Posted 2014-02-10 by Stephanie Alicefollow

Why do we hold onto things that we shouldn’t? We do it with almost everything, we hold on to those comfy pairs of shoes until the soles are faded away, we leave the milk in the fridge until past the due date to make the absolute most of it.

Lately I’ve been dating a man, (Irish, of course). It’s been going great, we’ve had some really nice dates and have a lot of fun together. I think we’re both aware that we could continue on and have a good time, but we know that it’s not going anywhere. Yes, my New Year’s resolution has been broken and this is another fling for Stephanie, good one. A relationship is definitely not the next step, but I’m enjoying dating far too much to break it off just yet. I like the fun period where you get a buzz of excitement from a text asking how you’re day is going, and spending the weekend wasting time away together.

I know from past experience that it’s time to end things here to avoid more hurt feelings down the track, but for some reason, the same reason why I held onto those pair of Converses a year too long, I’m content with burying my head in the sand and arranging another date.


254285 - 2023-07-19 07:57:06


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