Signs Youre With The Right Mate

Signs Youre With The Right Mate

Posted 2014-01-30 by Justine Crowleyfollow
Image Courtesy of imagerymajestic A true sign that your mate is interested in you

There are times where you feel like, goodness God please give me a sign that I am with the right person. Your feelings might be right, yet your partner's actions may contradict your feelings at times. Naturally you would be confused in such situations. How are you feeling with your relationship?

These are some of the top signs that you're with the right person. They're the right person for you, and with these signs - use them in your power to turn that right person for now into that right person for eternity ideally:

1. Integrity

So important in a love based relationship, yet alone in any relationship. If your partner promises you that they want to do something with you tomorrow, and they honour their word by getting back to you in time - then you're with the right person. In saying this, it is good to cut them some slack if they slip up once or twice, as after all we are all human. None of us are perfect. If your mate is constantly slipping on integrity, you'll need to have a few conversations to iron this out. If they're not open to change, then go ahead and cut the cord.

2. Making the effort

You might be in a relationship with someone who is in a high level position at work, and you might be a student with more time in retrospect. If your busy mate is keen, and is able to find even just 10-minutes for a coffee with you in between each others commitments; this is someone worth holding on to.

3. Me time

A relationship is not all about being suffocated in your partner's presence. It is also about giving them some free time. A good relationship means that you both can enjoy a few hours at least 1-2 times a week together - and no more than that at first, unless you both are living together.

4. The physical stuff

If all your partner wants is to be in bed with you, cut the cord immediately. A love based relationship is also all about doing some fun activities together, as well as simply being present to each other. Great conversations over coffee and/or lunch is the key to a good, sensible love based relationship.

These are the key signs. If there are any others you would like to suggest, please let us know.


254250 - 2023-07-19 07:56:48


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