Letting Go

Letting Go

Posted 2014-02-10 by Stephanie Alicefollow

It’s hard to see people who were once a part of your life move on, whether it’s a one night stand, friends, flings, co-workers or housemates.

A short while ago I began seeing Chris. We met, we got along fiercely well, and then we slept together. It progressed, perhaps, quite fast but it didn’t feel foolish. I didn’t want our relationship to advance further than a friendship and also our “benefits” situation. However he seemed to think that was still a little much and actually did the stereotypical male thing of not calling me again. I then felt foolish. Not because I had hopes for a relationship, and not because I had slept with him so soon after meeting him. It was that he was part of my life for a short time and then he was just gone, so swiftly.

It was never going to be anything more than a brief fling and it was great how well we got along, and how much fun we had with each other but there was always an expiry date.

I struggled to understand my feelings when he never called or replied to my texts. I honestly didn’t want it to go on too much longer, but there was a feeling of attachment. We’d had fun together; we’d shared stories about our families and friends. And then that was it, goodbye. I felt as though I wasn’t fully equipped to have someone come into my life, get to know them personally & intimately and then have them leave with no word.

It’s possibly one of the saddest things to know someone so well and then return to being strangers. But we have to let go, it’s impossible to hold on to everybody we meet, and in doing that we allow room for someone new to enter our lives.


254284 - 2023-07-19 07:57:05


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