Dealing with Heartache

Dealing with Heartache

Posted 2014-01-20 by Nickedfollow

Most of us have had or will come to a point where our hearts have been broken through betrayal, losses, and lost battles against fading love.

Some savor such emotions and make lovely heartache anthems, striking drawings, and heart-thumping tragic stories—some would run as fast as they can making their hearts beat faster like the way anger and hurt does.

Some would stay in a room, sleep all day, eat when hungry, just doing what they ought to, walking like a zombie on the street.

The courageous moment you said 'I love you' - you were ready for whatever was to come. Now you have to pick yourself up and move on.

You start to do things that you did not do before — you’re loving life the way it should be.

Love is not always the butterflies you feel, but also the strong pull of getting back up again when you fall on your knees. It is when you cry that you feel the love stronger; when you try to fix things when you know it will never be the same again; when you try to chase someone like a loyal puppy—never caring of how foolish you would be. You will realize that love will always be worth the chase for it gives you a stronger heart.


254195 - 2023-07-19 07:56:07


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