Women and their routines
Photo courtesy of stockimages freedigitalphotos.net
Men think that women take a long time to get ready, and we do. Even for bed. If you've ever had your boyfriend call out honey when are you coming to bed? Then maybe your boyfriend needs to read this.
We take a long time to get ready, because we need to. We all have our routines and I'm going to explain why we need them.
Eyebrows NEED to be plucked. In between visits to the beauty salon, and for those times we go an extra few weeks without a wax due to tight budget etc, eyebrows need to be plucked. When your standing there facing me, up close and you want to tell me you love me or tell me something really important and your standing so close, you notice the eyebrow hairs between the brow, and all you can think about is wether or not I'm trying to grow a mono brow and run away with a freak show.
Then there is the three step routine for our face. Cleanse,
Tone and Moisturise. This needs to be done also. We wear a lot of make up, and I mean a lot. This needs to be properly washed off and if we don't do all three steps we're just not doing it right. I get the occasional pimple, and sometimes I get a lot of pimples; easily covered up with make up, but if I don't wash it off properly, I will make my skin even worse. And let's face it, may seem a bit shallow to say, but I'm not a big fan of pimply faced men. I'm sure a lot of guys aren't big on pimply faced women either, and after the first few dates and things get serious you are going to have to see your girl without makeup on at some point.
The final thing we take a long time at doing is our make up. Since visiting a make up stand at the shops and being shown a few tips, I've gotten pretty good at doing my make up. It takes me 5 minutes to do a full face. When I say full face I mean everything, primer, foundation, blush, eyeliner, eyeshadow, eyebrow pencil, mascara and lipstick. I can't say I've met anyone else who can be so quick, I've spent a lot of time waiting for girlfriends to do their make up and it gets frustrating. I feel your pain guys, but if we don't do the full face we don't look as good. Sometimes for work it's nice to have simple make up. Just some foundation and a bit of mascara and eye liner, but when I go out, if I don't do everything I mentioned above, I don't look as good. You will be surprised how much difference a bit of lipstick makes.
Photo courtesy of Marinfreedigitalphotos.net
So next time when your girl takes a long time to do everything, sit back, perhaps have a beer if you can and just wait.
254372 - 2023-07-19 07:57:57