Postage Stamp Flirtations

Postage Stamp Flirtations

Posted 2014-08-19 by Mina Keenanfollow

The Victorians had a way of communicating to their lovers so that lower classes did not know what they were saying with the way stamps were positioned on their letters/correspondence.

This is how they would do it:

The Postage Stamp Code:

  • Upside down, left corner—I love you.
  • Same corner, crosswise—I love someone else.
  • Straight up and down—Good-bye, sweetheart.
  • Upside down on right corner—Do not write anymore.
  • In the middle, at right hand edge—Write immediately.
  • In center, at top—Yes.
  • Opposite, at bottom—No.
  • On right-hand corner, at a right angle—Do you love
  • me?
  • In left-hand corner—I detest you.
  • Top corner, at the right—I want to be friends.
  • Bottom corner, at left—I want to get to know you more.
  • On line with surname—Have my love.
  • The same, upside down—I am betrothed.
  • At right angle, same place—I yearn to see you.

  • What great fun in a time when mail was equivalent to the phone. I can just imagine the anticipation placing your stamp just so - waiting for the person to receive the letter and then waiting for a reply - agony for those brought up in the instant message era I'll bet.

    See how they used hankies for the same type of thing.


    254423 - 2023-07-19 07:58:35


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