Getting A Second Date After Messing Up The First
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First impressions always last in the dating game. If you stuff up, it can be difficult to get a second chance. You may be wondering why they haven’t returned your messages or phone calls - obviously you stuffed up.
Here are some reasons why you haven't heard from them since your first date.
- You cancelled your date last minute. Your date may have felt stood up and don't want to feel that rejection again.
- You are late for the date. Not just ten minutes but one hour or more.
- The date was all about you. You didn’t even ask about them.
- You were rude to the wait staff.
- You spoke about your ex constantly.
If you really want to see them again, there is not much you can do if you have already messaged them and called them on various occasions. If this is the predicament you are in, wait a couple of weeks until you try to contact them again.
If you have not contacted them yet and wondering how to approach the situation, make sure you don’t stuff it up again. Do not text them straight away, give it a few days, as it will show you are not pushy. In your text or phone conversation, be apologetic and say you would like to go on another date.
Girls like to feel special, so why not send her a bunch of flowers to her work or home. Write a little note saying you want to see them again. If you do not get a response, do not send another bunch, it may begin to look a little creepy.
Everyone has their own style, however prevention is always better than cure. If you can avoid messing up in the first place you will most likely get a second date. If you do mess up, all you can do is try and rectify the situation. You have nothing to lose. The worst thing they can say to you is no.
254477 - 2023-07-19 07:59:15